Energy is essential for most activities in today’s world, whether it is a supermarket, a school or your own home. With in-depth knowledge of the energy network’s rapid transformation, we’re supporting clients in engineering safe and reliable operation of power systems globally. The energy industry also includes secondary sources such as electricity. Energy prices along with the earnings performance of energy producers are largely driven by the supply and demand for worldwide energy. Energy can be generated from renewable and non renewable sources. The first one includes sectors of Petroleum, Natural Gas , Coal where as the later is concerned with Solar Energy, Geothermal Energy, Chemical Energy, Energy from Bio fuels, etc. It helps clients to understand their challenges and provide both strategic and tactical solutions. We provide solutions for different energy sectors as follows ;


      • Non-renewable energy (Petroleum products and oil, natural gas, gasoline, diesel, heating oil, nuclear, etc.)
      • Renewable energy (hydropower, bio-fuels, wind power, solar power, etc.)
      • Analyzing energy and climate change
      • Environment and social management planning
      • Energy sector master plan
      • Planning for sustainable energy solutions
      • Market assessment, policy and regulatory support
      • Transmission and distribution system planning
      • Technical knowledge transfer across borders
      • Monitoring and evaluation
      • Forecasting and modelling
      • Load flow studies