We as team of experts work on economical resources estimation, mining techniques, best planning & management of mines, impact of mining activities, remedies, etc. We provide a complete solution for mining industries and their end users. We provide solution for challenges including managing costs, supply-demand imbalances, increasing investor scrutiny and safety concerns in an industry with such high fatality rates. We are helping our mining industry clients to form a new narrative to demonstrate their societal and economic value. APESI PVT.LTD works with mining companies around the world to help them address strategic, tactical, and operational challenges as follows;
- Topographic survey
- Applications of Remote Sensing and Geophysics for Mineral explorations
- Resources Estimation, Reserve planning, mine estimation & scheduling
- Pre-Feasibility study/ Mining Viability Studies
- Mining Risk Assessment
- Pit Optimization & Sensitivity analysis
- Environmental and Hydrogeological Planning
- Mining Economics and Finance
- Exploration Project Audit and Valuation
- 3D Geological Modelling
- Mineral exploration
- Open Pit Mine Design, Planning, and Engineering
- Underground Mine Design, Planning, and Engineering
- Mining Operation Assistance
- Mine Simulation
- Cave Mining
- Mine Ventilation
- Tailings Storage Facilities
- Waste Rock Storage Facilities
- Landfills and Solid Waste