We are experienced in conducting environmental & social assessments as per national & international standards, guidelines, protocols including IFC Performance Standards, World Bank Standards, ADB Safe Guard Policies, AIIB, JICA, MOEF&CC and others IFIs. Our experts were involved in E& S Assessments of multifarious projects with their advisory roles for funding from the IFIs like WB, IFC, ADB, JICA, JBIC, DFID, AIIB, OPIC, KfW, FINNVERA, RaboBank, DBS, MUFG, SCB, HSBC, SMBC, SBICAP, etc. We offer a complete, integrated service covering all phases of developments from master planning to EIA and from strategic environmental assessment to construction environmental management plans. These are the following detailed streams we work for;
A) Environmental Assessment
- Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
- Environmental & Social Due Diligence (ESDD) – Pre, Construction & Operation
- Environment Health Safety Audit (EHS Audit)
- Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)
- Red Flag Due Diligence
- Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)
- Environmental Statement (ES)
- Environmental & Social Management System (ESMS)
- Environmental & Social Management Framework (ESMF)
- Monitoring & Supervision of ESMP/EMP implementation
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Modelling – Wind Pro: Shadow, Noise; ISCT/ AEROMOD: Air quality Modelling; ALOHA: Risk Analysis
- Environmental training
- E-Flow
- Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA)
- Obtaining CTE & CTO
B) Social Assessment
- Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
- Social Audit (SA)
- Rehabilitation & Resettlement (R&R)
- Livelihood Impact Assessment (LIA)/ Livelihood
- Resettlement Plan (LRP)
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Indigenous people/ Gender Based Violation (GBV)/
- Human Rights Assessment.
C) Ecology & Biodiversity
- Ecological study (Terrestrial & Aquatic)
- Critical Habitat Assessment (CHA)
- Bird Bat (Avifauna) study
- Biodiversity Management Plan